Monday, May 25, 2009


I am shortening the time between blogs.

Pretty good for an almost senior citizen.

Okay my camera is still neglected but I have at least added a few more items to my booth....

and when I find my camera and take some pictures I will be adding more items. The listings are done ... I just need to add some pretty pictures. But as usual I am wondering aimlessly.

My aimless wondering today was because of Mickey (my avatar). We call him several things...

Mr. Congeniality....because he has all his little doggie friends in the neighborhood that he likes to go visit.

Mickey Mouse....because my husband calls him a rodent (he is so small) ..not like the bigger dogs we have had in the past

and my almost favorite nickname.....

Houdini....because he escapes from everything.......

I cannot begin to tell you what we have had to do to keep him from escaping the back yard.

The wrap around deck has had the underside totally cordoned off with lattice. We first put it up around the stringers... but he was still escaping. Turns out he was going under and then up over the headers..... so we had to put lattice there too. That stopped that escape route.

Then he was going under the fence.... so out came more lattice around the perimeter of the yard..... that route blocked off...

Oh Oh he has learned to dig in the flower beds.....sure Mickey just dig up my flower beds and get out under the fence there.....more lattice. I think I own shares in the company that makes lattice.

The purpose of all of the above..... My aimless wondering today trying to find my "Dear Little Mickey"

You have to picture this in your mind...

An older woman in her late fifties, wearing only a negligee and a long down filled housecoat and bare feet running down the street calling MICKEY...MICKEY....MICKEY (have you got that picture in your mind?)

Yep that be me......I was scared to death that I would find that he had gone down the hill to the main street and had been hit by a car... I was beside myself almost in tears. I decided that if that was the case then before I went down the hill I would go home, get dressed and then get into the van and drive down. I feared the worst.

But on my way back to my house I thought hmmmmm .... Mr. Congeniality, Mickey Mouse, the great Houdini had escaped under the gate in the back yard... perhaps I should check the court behind us.... so here I am still in my sleeping attire and bare feet.... checking out the court and low and behold there he was. He actually came when I called him. My Dear Little Mickey.

Needless to say, I picked him up and carried him back into the house, where he is safe and sound.

Oh and yes .....more lattice has been put up!!!!

So that is my excuse for doing absolutely nothing today......just this blog.

It also serves as my excuse to go shopping at you guessed it... for anything but the ordinary.

Does anyone have little dog restraints????

until next time be happy.....


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